

How to Win Bol Buy Box Easily with Repricing Strategies

Bol repricing strategies

Winning the Buy Box on is crucial for increasing sales and visibility. The Bol Buy Box is the section on a product’s detail page where customers can purchase by adding items to their cart. One great way to increase your chances is using the repricer, which helps you adjust your prices automatically based on competitor prices, ensuring you remain competitive.

Repricing is the dynamic adjustment of product prices based on market demand, competition, and inventory levels. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of Bol repricing strategies to help you maximize sales, stay competitive, and boost profits.

Koongo’s Bol repricer is available for free for a limited time period.

What is a repricer?

A repricer is a software tool that ensures you always offer the best price on a marketplace by automatically monitoring competitor prices and dynamically updating your product prices. This constant adjustment helps you maintain the optimal price to win the Buy Box.

Repricers automate two crucial tasks: conducting market research on current pricing and monitoring competitor price changes. By dynamically updating your prices, these tools save you significant manual effort while optimizing results for each product.

When a competitor runs out of stock or increases their prices, your repricer automatically adjusts your price. This allows you to maintain the best possible margins without missing any sales.

In essence, a repricer ensures your prices are always competitive. Now, let’s explore why using a repricer is so important.

Bol repricing strategies

Why is a Bol repricer so important for e-commerce brands?

Bol repricing strategies are crucial for e-commerce brands for several reasons:

1. Winning the Buy Box

  • Increased Visibility and Sales: The Buy Box is a coveted spot that significantly boosts product visibility and sales. A repricer helps you maintain competitive pricing, increasing your chances of winning the Buy Box.

2. Dynamic Market Adaptation

  • Real-Time Adjustments: Markets are dynamic, and prices can fluctuate frequently. A repricer adapts your prices in real time, ensuring you stay competitive without constant manual updates.

3. Saving Time and Resources

  • Automated Processes: A repricer saves you time and resources by automating price monitoring and adjustments, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.

4. Optimizing Profit Margins

  • Balance Between Competitiveness and Profitability: A repricer helps you balance pricing and maintain healthy profit margins, ensuring long-term business sustainability.

5. Responding to Competitor Moves

  • Instant Reaction to Competitor Pricing: If a competitor runs out of stock or changes their prices, your repricer instantly adjusts your prices to capitalize on the opportunity, keeping you ahead in the market.

Using a Bol repricer is essential for e-commerce brands to stay competitive, save time, optimize profit margins, and improve overall business efficiency. It’s a strategic tool that effectively helps you navigate the dynamic market landscape.

Bol repricer

How to Win the Bol Buy Box

To win the Bol Buy Box, focus on the following key areas:

Competitive Pricing:

  • Monitor and Adjust Prices: Regularly check competitors’ prices and adjust yours to stay competitive while maintaining profit margins. Utilizing repricing software compatible with Bol is crucial for effective execution.

Maintain High-Performance Metrics:

  • Excellent Seller Performance: Ensure top performance in order defects, cancellations, and late shipment rates. Consistently strong metrics improve your chances of winning the Buy Box.

Optimize Delivery:

  • Speed and Reliability: Offer fast, reliable, and affordable delivery options. High service standards increase your appeal to both the algorithm and customers, boosting your Buy Box eligibility.

Leverage Bol’s Price Stars:

  • Bol uses ‘Price Stars’ to evaluate how competitively priced your products are compared to other channels. These stars influence the Buy Box algorithm and should be factored into your pricing strategy using tools like Koongo’s repricing software.

The importance of these factors can vary by product category. For instance, fast delivery is critical for daily-use items, while price is more influential for items like furniture, where potential customers seek the best value.

Bol repricing strategy Target Buy Box, Optimal Price and Minimal Price

When you start selling on, three key pricing strategies can significantly impact your success: targeting the Buy Box, setting the optimal price, or setting the minimal price. Understanding the differences and how to balance these strategies is crucial.

Target Buy Box

Objective: Win the Buy Box for increased visibility and sales.

  • Competitive Pricing: Ensuring your price is competitive compared to other sellers. This often means being among the lowest prices but not necessarily the absolute lowest.

  • Performance Score: Maintaining high seller ratings, low order defect rates, and fast shipping times.

  • Dynamic Adjustments: Using repricing tools to adjust prices in real time based on competitor pricing, stock levels, and market demand.


  • Increased Sales Volume: Winning the Buy Box significantly boosts your product’s visibility and, consequently, sales.

  • Enhanced Trust: Buyers often trust Buy Box winners more, associating them with reliability and quality service.


  • Margin Pressure: Competing for the Buy Box often means lower prices, which can squeeze profit margins.

  • Constant Monitoring: Requires continuous price adjustments and monitoring of performance metrics.

Optimal Price

Objective: Maximize profit margins while maintaining competitiveness.

  • Profit Focus: Setting a price that maximizes profit margins rather than simply aiming to be the lowest price.

  • Market Positioning: Considering the perceived value of your product and positioning it accordingly in the market.

  • Strategic Discounts: Offering discounts and promotions strategically to attract buyers without heavily compromising on margins.


  • Higher Profit Margins: Prioritizes maintaining healthy profit margins over just winning the Buy Box.

  • Sustainable Business: Ensures long-term profitability and sustainability by avoiding the race to the bottom.


  • Reduced Visibility: May not always win the Buy Box, potentially leading to lower visibility and sales.

  • Price Sensitivity: Requires a deep understanding of your target market’s price sensitivity and value perception.

Minimal Price

Objective: Set the lowest possible price to attract price-sensitive customers and potentially win the Buy Box through aggressive pricing.


  • Aggressive Pricing: Consistently offer the lowest price in the market.

  • Cost Control: Focus on minimizing costs to sustain profitability even at lower prices.

  • High Volume Sales: Compensate for lower margins with higher sales volume.


  • Attracts Price-Sensitive Customers: Appeals to customers looking for the best deal, potentially increasing sales.

  • Market Penetration: Can help quickly gain market share by undercutting competitors.


  • Profit Margins: Significantly reduced margins, which may not be sustainable long-term.

  • Brand Perception: Constantly low prices can impact brand perception, positioning your brand as a discount option.

Price star boundaries

The Price star boundaries provide an indication of the price performance levels for your products, which is essential for businesses. Its competitive pricing approach aims to select the price range for your products by evaluating the competitor’s pricing outside Bol and the market trends, thus enabling you to set your offer price in line with the competitor’s prices.

This approach provides you with a list of all price star boundaries for a specific EAN, enabling you to analyze your product pricing at a glance through the price star scores. It also enables you to evaluate the prices of your offers and strategically adjust your product pricing.

It enriches the quality of your offers by not only supporting your assortment to rank higher in the search results but also increasing your sales targets and helping to maintain your profit margins.

The price star boundaries apply to all offers in the Netherlands and Belgium that offer new products. Price star boundaries are currently available for 60% of the bol assortment.

Price star scores assigns a price star score to your offer to help you determine the relevance of your product price. Price stars scores allow you to measure the effectiveness of your product prices. Based on the recommended retail price, they indicate if your product prices equate with market prices and persuade you to perform a price evaluation of your products.

This score ranges from 1 to 5 and is depicted by a number of stars that specify whether your current product price is competitive.

An offer is assigned the price star scores based on the following:

  • 5 stars – If the product price is below or equal to boundary level 5.
  • 4 stars – If the product price is higher than the boundary level 5 and below or equal to the boundary level 4.
  • 3 stars – If the product price is higher than the boundary level 4 and below or equal to the boundary level 3.
  • 2 stars – If the product price is higher than the boundary level 3 and below or equal to the boundary level 2.
  • 1 star – If the product price exceeds the boundary level 2.

Koongo’s Available Bol Repricing Strategies

Koongo offers several Bol Repricing Strategies to help you determine your objectives, whether selling at minimal or maximal prices, prioritizing Price Stars, or winning the Buy Box.

Target Buy Box or Optimal Price

  • Merchants target BuyBox if it is impossible to reach the best offer using the optimal price.

Target Buy Box or Minimal Price

  • With this strategy, merchants target BuyBox if they cannot reach the best offer at a minimal price.

Best Position at Optimal Price

  • With this strategy, merchants want to reach the best position level at the highest Price Star level, which is higher than the defined minimal price.

Best Position at Minimal Price

  • This strategy allows merchants to reach the best position within the Price Star level.

No Competitors Strategies

With Koongo Repricer, you can choose your course of action when no competitors are in sight.

Standard Price

  • This strategy allows you to keep the price steady. Your primary reference is the Price.

Minimum Price

  • With this strategy, you stay competitive. Your primary reference is the Minimal Price set.

Maximum Price

  • You can aim high. Your primary reference is the Maximum Price defined in your Bol integration.

Monitoring and Optimization

Repricing is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly monitor the effectiveness of your Bol repricing strategies and make adjustments as needed. Analyze sales data, customer feedback, and competitor movements to fine-tune your pricing strategies for optimal results.


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, mastering repricing is essential for staying competitive and maximizing profits. By understanding the factors influencing Bol repricing strategies, implementing the right strategies, and leveraging advanced repricing tools, you can achieve e-commerce success and thrive in today’s ever-evolving market.

Remember, effective repricing is not just about lowering prices; it’s about finding the perfect balance between profitability and competitiveness.

Please check the Koongo Bol repricer guide or contact us at for more information.

Koongo’s Bol repricer is available for free for a limited time period.

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